Product details
Uses To improve workability and trowelling properties of sand/ cement mortar mixes during application. To increase quality of masonry and plastering. Advantages Improved moisture retention and bond strength: Slows down drying out of mortar which remains workable longer. Ensures better bond to all surfaces, including ceiling. Makes mortar crack resistant : Minimises drying shrinkage cracks and increases frost resistance in cold climates. High workability : Even with harsh sands, makes creamy easy-to-apply mortar. Cost saving : Increase yield of the same quantity of sand/ cement. Extra coverage normally exceeds material costs. Better & safer masonry : Mortar fills joints easily and efficiently and ensures stronger construction. Improved appearance : Mortar cuts cleanly from faces of brick, block or stone work. Increased productivity : Speeds up work by easy application of mortar. Description Cebex 112 is supplied as an off-white to pale yellow liquid which mixes readily with water in any proportions. It is based on internationally recognised chemicals and is free from calcium chloride and similar salts. Technical support Fosroc offers technical support service to specifiers, end users and contractors, as well as on-site technical assistance in locations all over the country. Properties Chloride content : Nil Compatibility with cements : Can be used with any type of Portland, Super Sulphate, Blast furnace or Pozzolanic cements. Setting time : There is no significant effect on the setting of sand/cement mortars. Plasticising action : Cebex 112 entrains a controlled amount of microscopic air bubbles which increase cohesion and provide lubrication to the sane particles in the mix, thereby imparting improved workability to the mortar. The air bubbles hold the cement/water matrix at the contact surfaces which results in improved bond strengths. Frost resistance : Where this is a consideration, that air entrainment appreciably increases the frost resistance of the fully cured mortar and also improves that of fresh mortar, as established by international practice. Increased yield : The special action of Cebex 112 causes the cement particles to disperse evenly throughout the mix, which combined with its air entrainment property, expands the volume of the mortar. Increase in yield for the same quantities of sand and cement is typically between 8% and 18%, depending upon the coarseness or fineness of the sand used. With typical mixes of 1:3 and 1:4 cement : sand, the cost of Cebex 112 will normally be recovered and, in most cases, a net cost saving will be obtained, as a result of the increased yield. Application instructions Mixing Cebex 112 Mortar Plasticiser may be added either direct to an individual mix or to the gauging water, depending upon site convenience. Direct to the mix 1. Use between 0.100 and 0.200 litres of Cebex 112 per 100kgs of cement. Soft fine sand will require least and harsh sands most. Site trials will best determine the practical rate of addition in each case and are recommended. 2. Cebex 112 to be stirred thoroughly before use. Measure the total required quantity of Cebex 112 and stir into the first bucket of the gauging water. 3. After dry mixing the sand/cement in the normal way, add the Cebex 112 and start wet mixing. 4. Continue adding plain water and mixing the mortar until the required workability is obtained. Note : Do not add Cebex 112 directly to dry sand/cement mortar. 1. Add between 0.100 and 0.2 litres of Cebex 112 to every 100 litres of water and stir well to ensure even dispersion. Mortar Plasticiser Cebex® 112 INDIA/2004/0112/A Important note : Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold subject to its standard terms and conditions of sale, copies of which may be obtained on request. Whilst Fosroc endeavours to ensure that any advice, recommendation specification or information it may give is accurate and correct, it cannot, because it has no direct or continuous control over where or how its products are applied, accept any liability either directly or indirectly arising from the use of its products whether or not in accordance with any advice, specification, recommendation or information given by it. telephone fax e-mail ++91 80-22240018/120 ++91 80-22233474 Fosroc Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. Head Office 111/3, Hafeeza Chamber II Floor, K H Road, PBNo. 2744, Bangalore 560027 ® Denotes the trademark of Fosroc International Limited Regional Offices Bangalore Mumbai Delhi Kolkata Shankar House, IV Floor 208/209, Persepolis First floor,1/2 East Patel Nagar 30/B Jodhpur Park 1 & 18, RMV Extension Sector 17, Vashi Opp: Vivek Cinema, Main Patel Rd Ground Floor Bangalore 560 080 Navi Mumbai 400 703 New Delhi 110 008 Kolkata 700 068 Ph:080-2361 3161/2361 2004 Ph:022-2789 6412/14 Ph:011-25884903/4 Ph: 033 2472 5482 Fax : 080-2361 7454 Fax: 022 - 2789 6413 Fax: 011- 25884422 Fax: 033-2472 9921 email: zAhmedabad : (079) 26762799 zAnkleshwar :(02646) 220704/224687 z Bhubaneshwar : (0674) 2521176 z Chennai (044) 24899949/24853383 zChandigarh : (0172) 2639360 z Cochin : (0484) 2356668 zCoimbatore : (0422) 2472966 zGoa : (0832) 2542465 zGuwahati (0361) 2548793 zHyderabad : (040) 27662324/27662425 z Hubli (0836) 3402597 zIndore : (0731) 504339/5061477 z Jaipur : (0141) 2235349 z Lucknow :(0522) 22239044 z Nagercoil (04652) 2224849 z Mangalore: (0824) 22272234 z Visakhapatnam : (0891) 2564850 2. Use the Cebex 112 to make the mortar in the usual way and keep adding and mixing until the required workability is obtained. Lime Mixes : Where a small quantity of hydrated lime is usually added to a sand/cement mix to fattiness and plasticity, the lime may normally be omitted and Cebex 112 used to replace it with economic benefits. Curing : Mortar containing Cebex 112 should be properly cured in accordance with accepted practice and protected against sun and drying winds. Overdosing : Overdosing of Cebex 112 will result in increased workability and air entrainment. Cleaning : Spillages of Cebex 112 should be removed with water. Limitations Excess dosage of Cebex 112 will result in reduction of the final strength of the mortar. An overdose of double the recommended measure of Conplast P509 will result in increased retardation of the initial set of the concrete. The ultimate strength of the concrete will not be affected and could be increased if advantage is taken of the increased workability by reducing water. Estimating Packaging Cebex 112 is supplied in 100ml, 1, 5, 20 and 200 litre containers. Storage Shelf life Cebex 112 has a minimum shelf life of 12 months under normal ambient temperatures. It should be protected from temperatures above 400 C and stored in shade. Precautions Health and safety instructions Cebex 112 is mildly alkaline. Avoid contact with the skin. Accidental splashes to eyes should be washed immediately with plenty of water and medical treatment sought.